Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Small Things Can Make the Biggest Difference!

We can do no great things; only small things with great love.
~Mother Teresa

House of Hope would not be what it is without the loving work and tender care provided by some very beautiful women.  It takes a lot of time, resources, energy, and patience to care for 17 children every day, but these women do so with excellence and love. It is the “small things” that make the difference in these children’s lives.

Agnes helps the girls transition from school to afternoon activities. 

Pinky (right) is teaching Sonali how to cook Indian food. 

Nanda has learned how to care for her little daughter Esther
from her interactions with the staff ladies in House of Hope. 

Getting to know Chetan

Hiding behind this beautiful, kind smile is a very energetic boy. Chetan appears to be very quiet, but once you get to know him, you discover that he enjoys conversing on just about any topic and really loves football and art (drawing). He also plays the drums really well! He is very helpful and plays nicely with the younger children at House of Hope. He isn’t one to give up easily---he will practice over and over and over again until he is satisfied with his task. Chetan says he wants to play football and be an artist when he grows up and we believe he can do it!

Footballer Chetan

Chetan loves McDonalds!